Shaping future leaders through diverse and innovative learning opportunities. Increase experiential learning opportunities for students to enable advanced connections with local, national, regional and global business leaders.

Expected outcome:

FDC will expand its global leadership in innovative programs, attracting students and faculty to study, teach and conduct cutting-edge research on fronts critical to the business sector worldwide.


Ensuring that high-potential underprivileged students have access to world-class education through scholarships and financial support to reach their full potential through the programs offered.

Expected results:

People with high transformative potential will bring to society, in addition to new knowledge and skills, more diversity, social inclusion and equity.


Our capacity to generate knowledge through investments attracting professors and developing research in different thematic fields. We want to attract a new generation of professors, specialists and researchers in border thematic fields that are relevant to major global challenges.

Expected result:

  • Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Amazon.
  • Modernization faced by agribusiness.
  • Sustainability and environmental conservation.
  • New technologies and their impact on business operations.
  • Corporate governance in emerging economies.


Global Agri-Envaironmental Center

A multidisciplinary effort made up of experts from various fields and industries to focus on developing and implementing new approaches and tackling the main challenges present in local, regional and international agribusiness.

Geoeconomics Center

A hub for research, knowledge production and conferences in Brazil and abroad. A place to meet relevant leaders, publications, documentaries and Discussion Papers to bring up analyses of the global situation and the main economic and geopolitical vectors that affect the flow of business, and the way companies prepare their strategic planning.


To build a fairer and more prosperous Brazil through the education of low-income entrepreneurs from underprivileged communities and developing leadership in management and governance of non- governmental organizations focused on social issues. Provide fundamental support to Imagine Brasil, a think/action tank based at FDC that brings together leading experts and stakeholders to create the models and future of a healthy and vibrant Brazil. Expand FDC's leadership in business management and entrepreneurship training in low-income communities in Brazil. Expand FDC's management and sustainability training programs designed specifically for Civil Society Organizations.

Expected results:

In partnership with like-minded organizations and leaders, FDC plays a key role in helping to solve the most critical social and economic issues in Brazil. The idea is to join forces and thus transform the reality of diverse communities across the country. TESTIMONIALS Emerson de Almeida Co-founder and President of the FDC Statutory Board “We do the difficult now and we do the impossible later, it just takes a little longer.” Throughout its history, FDC has faced and overcome various challenges that have helped