Fundação Dom Cabral
Entre as 10 melhores escolas de negócios do mundo
Financial Times. Executive Education Ranking 2024


For almost 50 years, Fundação Dom Cabral has been working to contribute to the development of society by educating, developing, and building the skills of executives, entrepreneurs, and public managers. FDC strongly believes that business schools must play a key role in the advancement of society locally, nationally, and globally.

In addition, as Brazil's leading business school, FDC has built important alliances with business schools around the world. Every year, thousands of people take part in our executive education courses, as well as undergraduate, master's and doctoral programs.

Our differential is the commitment to generating new knowledge, developing integrated educational opportunities and carrying out social inclusion programs impacting the community at large, by transforming social well-being.

Our structure and ecosystem of relationships around the world create the ideal environment and opportunity to dream big and develop new skills. Besides this, there are the skills needed to innovate and generate solutions to the biggest global challenges facing the world today and in the future.
+ 25.000 executives trained in Executive Education programs*

+ 5.490 participants in Specialization, Executive MBA and Master's programs*

+ 22.700 people developed in Social Education programs*

+ 1.120 foreign participants in various programs*

+ 1.100 client companies*

+ 200 of the 500 largest companies in the country are FDC clients*

+ 80 educational solutions developed*

39 partner business schools on 5 continents

24 Associated Offices in Brazi

*Figures for 2023